Monday, May 10, 2010

Yes, GOD still does miracles!!

Well over 21 or maybe even 22 years ago, a dear friend of mine was in a car accident on her way to teach her classroom full of children.  She never made it to see those children....and she never saw life the same way again.  When Bruce and I married, she rolled down the aisle to support me as a bridesmaid and her husband was the minister who married us.  They have always held a special place in our hearts because they introduced us....then later they became adoptive parents....and we followed them in that path as well. 

Cindy was told she would not walk.....and she has been in a wheel chair for well over 20 years.  BUT, God has other plans it appears.  After not walking for a long time, click below to see how God is using a new therapy to change what the doctors told her.

To GOD be the glory!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved your blog! I found it by accident....ok...I was blog hopping.
I enjoyed it very much, and will certainly come back.

Yes, God does do miracles. Big ones too. I am a miracle, so I know. I have had three strokes; two heart attacks; and kidney failure. After the third stroke I had to use a walker/cane. My family was told I probably would not live through the kidney failure. But I now am still very much alive, and I put the walker and cane away, and don't remember where they are. God has been so good to me, and I can't stop talking about Him!