Saturday, July 10, 2010

A month in review......

I know...I have fallen down on the blogging lately, so let me see if I can bring you up to date on our last month or so....

1.  As of yesterday, Abigail was released from the care of the orthopaedic doctor.  He feels her foot has healed sufficiently.  She is to hang onto her brace and use it as needed (when doing LOTS of activity).

2.  As of Thursday, we got a new heating and cooling unit installed.  We upgraded to a  Carrier 3.5 ton  unit (from a 3.0 ton) and we are pleased so far.  Unfortunately, the wrong thermostat was installed, so we are awaiting the fellows to come back and replace that as well as do some  painting where the ceiling was damaged by leaking when they drained the old unit.  It was FULL of dirty the drain was going 'uphill'.

3.  Abigail is recovering nicely from 'walking pneumonia'.  I had NO idea that one could get such a thing this time of the year, but thanks to a mycoplasma type of bacteria.....she did.  The bacteria is leaving thanks to a great antibiotic...but the cough will likely linger for a while....maybe as long as a month.  Many at church and in our community have or have had this and it is contagious.....but since it is often misdiagnosed as just a symptom of is spread a good bit. 

4.  In the process of being diagnosed, Abigail had blood drawn from her arm for the first time ever.  She handled it okay....but was not too sure about the whole process.  I guess it is scary if you only ten years old and see a rather large needle coming towards you.  The lady who drew her blood was good with kids thankfully and talked her thru the process.

5.  Tomorrow, Abigail will be leaving for Camp Ponderosa in Mentone, AL  with some other friends from church.  She is very excited.  I have already begun making a list of the many chores I need to tackle in her absence.  MUCH lesson planning, touch up painting, room organizing.... will be tended to during the week.  Please pray for her to draw closer to the Lord and to be safe and healthy while away from home.  She will return on Friday afternoon.

6.  We celebrated the Fourth of July with family ( a day early) with a cookout.  Bruce's family came over and we grilled and 'chilled' (as he would say).  Then on the actual fourth, we went to a big church dogs, pool time and fireworks.  It was a LOT of fun!!!!!

7. Bruce was able to take a week off at the end of June.  We basically just relaxed and we did go see a movie (Toy Story 3) as a family.  We did not take any trips  or do anything along those lines this summer.....but we are hoping to do a nice trip to Washington DC/Virginia/Boston related to our country's history in a few years since it is of interest to all three of us... once we have finished our two year course of US History and when our finances allow.  For now, we'll enjoy more low key stuff...staying at home types of things :)

8.  Abigail went to VBS at Wall Highway and had a great time.  She was also able to visit with Granny and Granddaddy and her Georgia cousins.

9.  On June 17, Bruce and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary.  We were had dinner out at Connor's which has become our 'tradition' as of the last few years.

10.  Abigail and I both joined the summer reading club at the public library.  Yes...there is an adult club this year as well. We spend time reading every day....together and alone as well.  We are reaching our goals and most of all, we are enjoying a LOT of 'reading together' time.  It gives us great opportunities to discuss things and actually has given us a head start on a series of books I wanted us to read for school that relate to health/Bible and relationships and 'girl' issues in it has been a great way to accomplish several goals at once :)

I think that is it for now.....basically, we are enjoy the summer....getting in a few school days here and there so we don't forget our math (much to Abigail's chagrin)....enjoying lots of play time....

I hope you are enjoying your summer as well!!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Good to catch up with you, even though I see you on FB most days.