Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy birthday, Abigail!

Yes!  Today, Abigail turned eleven years old!  I have LOTS of photos to show from her slumber party with six buddies on her family gathering on some great great GREAT photos taken today of just her being HER!!!  But, alas, I have not dumped my camera yet.  So, for now, I will say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Abigail and a huge thank you to a wonderful young lady who so graciously chose LIFE when she could have chosen an abortion when she had an unplanned pregnancy.  Because of her choice to give life to her child, we now have the joy of being the parents to a wonderful young lady whom we have parented since she was one month old.

We pray that we will be the parents God wants us to be..and that Abigail will grow up to be a Godly young lady.

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