Monday, August 17, 2009

School Days....

Like most children, Abigail started school recently. Since we homeschool, she has really been doing some school off and on all summer. We started fourth grade 'officially' on Friday, August 7th. Then, on the 14th, we started our "Friday classes" at Wall Highway Christian Academy. Each year, we take a photo by the school sign. It is neat to see how much she grows from year to year..... ....first day of FOURTH grade......even though the camera angles are different, the signs have not moved.....look at where her head is on the lettering of the sign in each picture to get an idea of how much she is grown....she is standing in pretty much the same spot both years!!!!
...first day of third grade.....


Aubrey said...

As best as I can tell, she grew an entire brick! Mercy, how fast is goes...

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

She has, by our best estimation, grown about 2.5-3 inches. I guess we'll get the official word at her well child check up in about three weeks since their measuring stick is the official one. Bad mom that I am on this detail....I never started keeping those annual little marks in the garage or pantry or certainly never on an actual growth chart hanging nicely in her room :) But, I do get a painted handprint each year on a table cloth thanks to an idea passed to me by a mom whose girls are older than mine....and for that I will be forever grateful :)