Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009...

Each year, our Thanksgiving is a bit different. We never know who will be with us..some years a lot of family can come; some years, not quite as much.....some years, a special guest....some friends....some years just family. This year we had 12 people in all, a rather good sized group for us. The food was probably the best I remember ever having....and the company was awesome. We are truly blessed as a family, a church, a country, and a with our special guest, Mrs. Teresa...
...Maddie, Abigail, Grammy and Ben in the kitchen after the feast......
....Abigail with Granny and Granddaddy just before they headed back to Georgia......
...Vince, Mary, "Mom" and Bruce...three of the four Aquila kids.....
..our little family...not sure why I was distracted.....
...the bread and deviled eggs..Mom's homemade rolls (on the back row) were a HIT.....
..the turkey before it was carved....he looks a little pale, but was more brown in real life....
..the turkey once he was sliced.....

..the turned out really good this time.....


Christy said...

Looks wonderful! I could go for some more dressing.

You're going to need to stand on a step-stool pretty soon. Abigail is catching up too quickly!

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

Oh Christy..don't remind me about Abigail.....she just KEEPS on growing. At last count, she was wearing a size 8 women's shoe!! And that dressing is almost all was a huge pan too..a turkey roaster pan full!!