Wednesday, February 3, 2010

last day of 42.....

Wow! I look back and have to wonder...where have the years gone?? I remember hearing my parents and others older than myself telling me that as I got older, time would fly. Now.....I believe them.

Well, this is my last day as a 42 year old. Tomorrow..I will start a new year of my a 43 year old. Really, I don't feel as 'old' as that sounds. Sometimes the mirror betrays me and I see those wrinkles, laugh lines, gray hairs, .... the signs of my true age.

But, I am happy to be the age that I am. God has blessed me and my family with everything we need and so much more. I have good health, a wonderful family, great friends, a wonderful church family and so much more. God has given a little bit of wisdom with this age (LOL) and He allows me to share it with other younger women...and what a blessing that is too!!

So, I won't complain that I am getting older.....I am glad in fact! I'll proudly tell my age.....just don't ask my weight!!


Pam said...

Happy early birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

Thanks Pam! I am sure I will :)