Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Abigail and her friend M were enjoying a playdate after church on Sunday afternoon.  They had been doing the wii, but I guess after a while, it just got tiring to them.  So, after I retreated to the bedroom to work on some ironing, they retreated to Abigail's bathroom...with the cat.  The door shut....and the cat inside.  Of course, I was ironing and did not realize this....just thought someone (just ONE person) was in the bathroom. 

So, after a bit, I did not hear the normal silly girl giggling....and I noticed that Midnight had not wandered through to check on me and it seemed strange. I heard Bruce asking the girls what they were doing and I could tell he was at the bathroom door.  Hmmm...

So, I ask him...and he really does not give me a reply, but tells me that I need to ask.  So, being nosy curious, I ask and get a very honest answer.  I learn that they are in the midst of painting the cat's nails!

Now, just in case you don't know much about cats, their nails retract.  So, the girls were polishing a nail, holding it out until it was dry, then letting it go back into place.  They had gotten one front paw complete and were working on the second one when they were caught.

Midnight did not seem too happy about the pedicure!  Purple nail polish..on a boy cat!! 

Needless to say, we did not torture him further by using polish remover on him.  We figure it will wear off, eventually.

Poor Kitty!  I guess he'll hide the next time he sees a playmate coming over...or the next time he smells nail polish.

And, I guess I really should not share any more stories about the time I painted the dog's toe nails with my daughter....should I?

1 comment:

Pam said...

That's funny. I would hide anything I saw them coming if I were Midnight! : )