Friday, March 12, 2010

A walk down memory lane

When one of my face book friends (the teacher's daughter) posted this photo a few days ago, I could not believe the memories that flooded back....first grade....1974....Mrs. Crews...and these classmates!!  I don't remember everyone's names...but I do remember most of them.  As best I can recall, two of the classmates and my beloved teacher have passed away.

The school is no longer there (at least not as a school), and wow!  many of us are parents and even grandparents now.

But, I have to say that the one memory that comes back is that in the little classroom at Armuchee Valley under Mrs. Crews' teaching I learned SOOO much.  She was a wonderful teacher...and because of her, I am now a teacher.  As a matter of fact, when I decided to teach and finished my student teaching time but still had to do observations, I sought her out and observed her teaching and I was STILL as impressed as a young adult as I had been as a child.

The neat thing is...she not only taught me in first grade..but I had her for reading in second grade....and then she moved up to third grade and taught third for the rest of her days of teaching.  She died prematurely shortly after her retirement.....I believe it was a type of leukemia.  She will never be forgotten.

Me?  Which goofy kid was me?  Well, I am on the top row...second from the right.  Yes, I KNOW I look like a boy....thanks to the easy to care for hair cut :(  But, I promise, it is me...and I am a girl....


Pam said...

THose are fun memories. What a great stroll down memory lane.

Anonymous said...

Yes, of COURSE you looked like a boy. That was the styyyyyyyyle back then. (Wow, people back then had NO idea what fashion was... at least some of them... i dunno if that includes Granny but...:)
