Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday.....

Well, another Thanksgiving has arrived.  It does not seem like it could possibly be November 25, 2010.  Where has this year gone!?!?!?!?  As I sit here typing, my 20+ pound turkey is finishing up in the oven, my potatoes are ready to go into the pot to start cooking and I still need to mop the kitchen floor..but, it's only 7:45 I have a little time :)

I cannot adequately express my thankfulness....words fail me miserably.  But, I am thankful to God for giving me life and a family, friends and a wonderful church family that are such a blessing to me and give me great places/opportunities to serve (which I love to do).

I am thankful for a husband who is caring and understanding.    He is supportive and a hard worker....and Godly man who cares for our family.  He has had to deal with a lot and overlook a lot since my recent surgery as I have not had an easy recovery...and I am still adjusting to life with artificial hormones.  But, he has handled it (and me) with grace when so many spouses would not not have done so. 

I am thankful for our daughter, who is really becoming quite a young lady.  She is eleven and plays the part well (for better or for worse), but I have seen her mature in so many ways in recent months.  I am proud of her and thankful for her kind and helpful spirit when that shines through.  Her sense of humor is incredible...and I am SO glad that God gave her to us. 

I am grateful for my health.  It's not perfect...but at one point this year, I was concerened about a mass.  We were relieved to learn after a LONG wait from pathology that it was not malignant.  And, even with another recent procedure...even though we were not too concerned about a blockage/tumor causing the symptoms I was having, it was nice to get that 100% confirmation..again nothing of that sort.  Yes.....I am facing some challenges that still have to be ironed out....but nothing that is life threatening...and for that, I am grateful :)

I am thankful for my parents and my mother in law as well as other family members who are so kind and loving and supportive. 

I am thankful for the freedom to make a school choice...and at this time, we have felt led to homeschool Abigail.  I am also grateful that I am blessed to teach two outside classes (American History and Latin) of which Abigail is a well as teaching piano and voice lessons to several children.  I love teaching in various capacities and working with such WONDERFULLY sweet children.

I am thankful for friends near and far...and for things like Facebook and email that have allowed me to reconnect or simply help me stay closer to those who are my friends when I cannot always see them in person due to schedules that just don't mesh as often as we'd like. 

I am grateful for most favorite hobby and part time business as it has brought me many friends and an opportunity to relive many memories as I commit them to the pages of a book.  It also allows me the opportunity to set up 'memorial stones' (Joshua 4:7) for my child and future grand children/great share what God has done in our lives as a family. 

I could go on and on....but my turkey needs to be tended to as do other lunch I will stop for now.

But, I will say, that I am grateful for God's love for me...and all that He has done for me and through me.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!

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