Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New year's Tradition in our house

Every New Year's Day, for as long as I can remember, we have had a special meal....crackling cornbread and pinto beans. The pintos are a take off from an old 'wives tale' that eating greens and peas will bring good luck. Of course, we don't believe in that and I don't really like peas, so I make a pot of pintos.

A lot of people cook how jowl or fat back in their greens and peas, so it is the easiest time of the year to find this 'special meat.' So, I buy some, remove the skin and cut it into small cubes....cook it good and add it to my normal buttermilk cornbread recipe.

It has to be cooked in an iron skillet in the oven for about a half hour, and unfortunately, I did not get a photo until after Bruce, his sister and myself had eaten a little. I guess you can call it one last blast of fat before resuming a healthier post-holiday lifestyle:)


Anonymous said...

sorry...i am not a "souther" girl... in these respects... I hope you don't mind, but I love your blog and added to my blog ... as a blog I follow... if that is OK...eileen

Anonymous said...

i meant southern... can't spell...

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

No problem...I like to be 'followed'.....I'll do the same for you if you don't mind.