Sunday, January 25, 2009

This is my 101 st post........

As I undertand it, I am supposed to write 100 things about myself after doing my 100th post. So here it goes.....maybe you will learn something about me....

1. My given middle name is Alaine, but I use "Richardson" as my middle name now

2. I have lived in Alabama almost as long as I lived in Georgia

3. I have become a "Facebook" addict, but it is great to 'see' people from highschool and even elementary school

4. I am the oldest of two children and I fit the 'stereotype' perfectly

5. My husband, Bruce, is also an oldest child and he's NOT stereotypical...which is a good thing :)

6. I have been singing solos in public since age 5 or 6

7. I grew up on 27 acres in a rural town in Georgia

8. Shorter College is my alma mater

9. I graduated magna cum laude and was on academic scholarship...and I had to work hard to keep it

10. Alabama A&M University is where I did my graduate work....and I finished with a 4.0 average...and I am pretty happy about that

11. I keep toying around with the idea of going back to school for PhD/EdD, but just have not gotten motivated to do it yet

12. I homeschool Abigail which is something I said I would NEVER do

13. I am learning to NEVER say 'never'

14. I have only been a member of two churches...Shiloh Baptist (in GA)and West Huntsville Baptist (in AL)

15. But, most of my college years, when I was at school on the weekends, I attended a Presbyterian church as well as various Baptist churches a good bit

16. I was the church pianist at Shiloh beginning my 9th grade year..and I continued full time thru high school and part time in college

17. I was also the Sunday School secretary during some of those years

18. I was baptized in a creek, as our church did not have a baptistry at that time

19. I was in a sorority in college (Epsilon Sigma), but we were more of a service organization and did not have a 'house' to live in

20. I was also involved in the Baptist Student Union in college and really did enjoy it

21. Even though some would beg to differ, I am really a reserved person, especially in unfamiliar places or large groups

22. Most people who have met me recently don't know that, but I usually force myself to be outgoing..and once I do so, I enjoy it

23. One of my most embarrassing moments is when I was singing "Amazing Grace" and forgot a few of the words

24. I have always gotten butterflies when I sing in front of groups.....large or small

25. My third grade teacher (who also happened to be my first grade teacher) was one of my main inspirations to become a teacher

26. We have had four dogs since getting married.

27. Chipper was our first baby, and Bruce's first dog ever.

28. He was a beagle mix that we adopted from the Humane Society...and he was probably the smartest dog I have ever known. He lived to be 12 1/2 years old.

29. In 1991, we got Rascal, a terrier mix, from the pound. He was a sweet dog who lived to be 16 1/2 years old.

30. Allie, a purebred beagle, joined us in 2004. She is a mess....pretty tempermental...but we love her.

31. Princess joined us later in 2004. She is a beautiful yellow lab...weighing well over 100 pounds...but she is so sweet!! She is probably the sweetest dog I have ever had.

32. I love to scrapbook and really enjoy making scrapbooks as gifts for those I love.

33. So that I could support my habit of scrapbooking, I became a Creative Memories consultant in 2004. That way I can buy supplies at cost.

34. Some of my friends decided to join me in scrapbooking and some were already into the now I can get together with others and enjoy my hobby.

35. I have been teaching in some capacity since the age of 22.

36. My shortest tenure was one year as a third grade teacher at Holy Family Parochial School.

37. My longest tenure was for 6 years at Harvest School in the Madison County, Alabama school system. I worked for three years as a fifth/sixth grade history teacher and three years as a third grade teacher.

38. My least stressful tenure was at Westminster Christian Academy as a part time fifth grade teacher.

39. When Abigail was 4 months old, WCA asked me to tutor for them a few hours a week and allowed me to bring Abigail to work with me.

40. This job was very rewarding because I was responsible for teaching two non-English speaking Korean children our language.

41. I continued teaching those children and tutoring others at our home for a few years.

42. I have taught piano and voice lessons off and on since I was a teenager.

43. When Abigail went to preschool, I worked at her schools as a substitute, music teacher and classroom teacher.

44. My last 'regular' teaching job was pre-K (while Abigail was in K at the same school).

45. I currently teach piano and voice privately (in my home) and also teach classes at our homeschool cover group.

46. Bruce and I have known each other for almost 22 years and will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary this summer.

47. I became a Christian in 1976, just before my ninth birthday.

48. Two of my college roomies and I lived together our first three years of college, but the fourth person was different each year...sometimes each semester. Our senior year, we all lived in private rooms.

49. I graduated from college in mid May of 1989 and married a month later.

50. My pastor in Georgia is the one who introduced Bruce and me. He also performed our wedding ceremony.

51. I am an organized person, even though it does not always appear that way.

52. When I am not organized (or things I am involved in are not well organized), it is frustrating to me.

53. I like to know what to 'expect' and I like to know what is 'expected' of me in all areas of my life. I am learning that this is not always possible and not even always a good thing. Sort of conflicts with faith.......

54. My daughter is a great deal like me in this respect.

55. I have begun liking to watch football some with Bruce...but I prefer to do so at home....where a potty, cool sodas and snacks are handy.

56. I have a very hard time sitting still and will usually be doing 2-3 things at the same time while sitting.

57. If I lie down....I usually fall asleep. So, if I really want to see a movie or show, I must sit up.

58. But, I don't have trouble falling asleep most of the time and have done so while sitting upright and even in public (movie theater).

59. The most long term friend I have is a girl I met in first grade (she was in third). She and I could not be more different at first glance.....

60. I think the differences make us even better friends....even though we live hours apart and rarely get to see each other face to face.

61. As I get older, I am finding that it is easier for me to make friends. I am less shy than I used to be.

62. I cannot decide if I like my hair shorter or longer....and I keep going from one style to another. Thankfully my hair grows pretty fast.

63. I have never been to Disney World nor has my husband or daughter. We'd like to go one day though.

64. I would love to return to Maine and visit New England in the fall. That was probably one of the best trips I have ever taken.

65. While I enjoy taking photos, I am not very good at it.

66. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. When I start reading, I can finish a book rather quickly because I have decent speed reading skills.

67. Using the computer has really enhanced my ability to keep up with friends, especially those who don't live nearby.

68. I like most kinds of music.....but I prefer to sing gospel/contemporary Christian music. It seems to fit my voice better.

69. But, when I was young, I did record a version of Rocky Top....did not know at the time it was in 'honor' of UT.

70. I have recorded one solo album and was also a singer on a second album produced by my brother in law.

71. I am a diabetic, but thankfully only have to take pills and shots that are NOT insulin.

72. Since I am not a big sweets eater, controlling my diabetes is a bit easier.

73. Unfortunately, I do like lots of 'carb' loaded salty things like potatoes, bread, chips, tortillas....and these also affect my sugars....

74. Walking for exercise is something I really not only gives me a chance to burn off excess energy, but it gives me a chance to pray and clear my head at the beginning of the day.

75. I really enjoy it when my friend, J, joins me for a walk in the mornings. It is a great chance to talk and get some adult time in before we both begin our hectic homeschooling schedule.

76. This week, Abigail and I are going to see a musical version of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang....and I think I am more excited than she is!!!

77. I will turn 42 on February 4, and I am not ashamed of my age.

78. There is nothing I really want for my birthday, except to have time with my family and friends.

79. If money were no object, I would love to adopt other children. I never imagined I would parent just one child..but I am SO grateful for the one God has given us.

80. I really don't like flying at all....I'd much rather drive in most cases.

81. The last time I flew, I had a 'nervous' experience with some middle eastern passengers who appeared to be unhappy about something the whole flight. Even Bruce, who travels a lot, was a bit anxious.

82. I think it would be neat to take a train trip to some far away place, but I have never done so.

83. I have absolutely no desire to take a cruise....strange I know, but it just does not appeal to me.

84. The older I get, the more emotional I get. It seems like even an innocent commerical on tv will bring tears to my eyes!!!

85. I am still amazed at God's word and how it applies to ME!!!! As I have gotten older, I have learned it really is the most important book I can read.

86. With that being said, I probably personally own at least 15-20 Bibles...many of them in different translations.

87. I know all the 'new' technology provides ways to see/read books online, but I still prefer to read things in print because I like to highlight and make notes in the books...including my Bibles.

88. I enjoy writing but don't find time to do it these days.

89. I once started writing a non fiction book...sort of an autobiography, but the computer 'lost' my files and I have never had the energy to rewrite it.

90. Green is my favorite color, but many of my interior walls are painted yellow.

91. I LOVE bargain hunting and enjoying telling others about the 'deals' I have gotten.

92. I am currently teaching a class on "logic" to elementary/middle school kids...and I don't think I know what I am doing!!!!

93. Our family enjoys playing board games together...but I really don't like card games that much. I guess I don't understand them???

94. I like being surrounded by "positive" it inspires me to look at the bright side of things.

95. For way too much of my life, I have had "Negative Nellies" around me....and while I am positive and try to build others up, I find that I have little 'energy' left when I do this on a regular basis....

96. But, I slowly learning the balancing act that is required to help others and also to stay afloat myself.

97. This year will be the year that I will become more healthy and lose the last of my excess baggage....but it is not easy at all.

98. Prayer everything. And, as I am seeing in so many is often the ONLY thing that will help.

99. I want to be more like Christ in my relationships and prayer time....and He is helping me to do so.

100. I am amazed at how difficult it is to think of 100 things to say about myself. But, I did it!!!!


Aubrey said...

Wow! First, that you found 100 things you could put a 'voice' to. Second, at how many of those 100 things describe me. This is encouraging to me! :) Thanks for sharing.

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

Glad that my crazy ramblings have some value :)