Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring break fun..part two

Spring break ended with our return to Alabama on Wednesday afternoon. We had church/small group and hit the sack afterwards....quite tired. Thursday the van went to the shop and stayed there for two days (and LOTS of dollars). But, with 165K miles, what can one expect? I am grateful that we had the money to pay for it. God provided an unexpected bonus which paid for it almost completely. We got the van back late on Friday afternoon, but it was still making a strange we did not use it again after we both drove it and agreed something was not right. Bruce took it in on Monday...a part had not been 'seated' properly. A quick and easy fix. So by Tuesday morning, I had my wheels back again.

On Thursday of break, I painted (see below) while Abigail enjoyed bowling with some friends and playing here with them afterwards. On Friday, a friend picked us up for a nice time together....lunch at Shogun then a playdate at the park followed by ice cream and a trip to the animal shelter (just to look). She finally dropped us off at the garage to await our van's repairs being finished. So, we managed to have a busy day in spite of having no vehicle. And, it was a lot of fun. But, alas, I forgot to take any pictures.

Our break ended quietly. We are back at school...have spent a nice slow start to school with only about half our normal workload because we are also prepping for SAT's (Stanford Ach. Testing). So far, so good...Abigail is doing well with that. We have one more slow week, then we test the first full week of April.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I am glad your spring break went well. Sorry about all the repairs needed for the van, I had the oil changed in my car yesterday 300 miles over due.