Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A day at Lake Winnie

June 17 is a pretty special day in our family. Bruce and I got married on June 17, 1989....which also happens to be my mom's birthday...then six years later, my little brother and his wife got married on that day as well. So, my mom can never forget her two children's wedding anniversaries, can she??

Well, this year, when our 20th anniversary rolled around, Bruce was out of town, so Abigail and I decided to visit with my family in Georgia for a few days. And, on the 17th, we went to Lake Winnie along with my parents and my brother and his family.

The cousins had a great time....just look below to see a few highlights of the day....except for the temps in the mid 90's, the day was wonderful!!!!

The cousins all enjoyed the Frog Hopper...a bouncy ride. Abigail is on the far left..her three cousins are the three children on the far right.
The girls loved the Scrambler. It was a bit too much for my tummy right after lunch....so I just watched!!
Granny prepared us a nice picnic lunch. We enjoyed that....especially the COLD drinks!!
Abigail and Davis were SO happy to have new Pokemon toys won by Uncle Kevin and his great throwing arm. Only $5 and he knocked all the blocks down twice to win the cousins the toys they desired. Abigail has slept with Pikachu every night since.

Abigail with Granny and Granddaddy....just as we entered the park around 10:15 a.m. We got to play for about 2 hours before cousins arrived...so Mommy got to ride a lot of things with her while Granny and Granddaddy watched and photographed us.
Kayla driving the old timey cars....doesn't she look serious??
Davis takes Abigail for a ride....
..and Emma drives me around....
..and Davis drives me....and it keeps on going...the kids rode these LOTS of times...alone and paired up....they loved driving each other and me too :)

..Abigail and I rode the caterpillar roller coaster..about the only one I can handle (wimp that I am)...and since she was in front of me...this is the photo I got of her the first time we rode it.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I bet Abigail was thrilled to get the Pokemon! The old cars remind me of Opryland. ;0) Good times.