Saturday, June 20, 2009

Twenty years and counting....

It is hard to believe that 20 years have passed since that very hot and humid day in Georgia at Shiloh Baptist Church when Bruce and I exchanged our wedding vows. June 17, 1989 at 2 p.m. was the official time of the ceremony.....and now, twenty years later...we love each other more than we did then. Until we look in the mirror and see the gray hair and wrinkles, it really does not seem like twenty years at all.

This is Bruce with part of his new luggage anniversary gift to him. He needed a new set....and actually picked this out himself (as he travels a lot and is very particular about what he wants). But, at least I know he likes it :)
Bruce got me a pearl necklace!!! He almost never gets me jewelry, so it was a shock!! I love it, and will always cherish it. There are also a few diamonds on it. This will be a special piece that I will pass down to Abigail one day.

Just a big of trivia...this is the Pizza Hut in LaFayette, Georgia. The first time I met Bruce Aquila was here. Tony Tucker (my pastor and Bruce's old college buddy) was meeting Bruce here for dinner before a church revival and I joined Tony and his wife Cindy for dinner, mainly to keep Cindy company. Well, that was the beginning of the end I guess....


Anonymous said...

C'ching! I GET THE SHINEY IN 20 TO 100 YRS.!

You already know who it is...

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

Oh, Abigail....maybe when you get married....yeah..that's at least 20 years :)....or maybe when you are married for a long time like 20 or 25 years..then you get to pass it to your favorite daughter when she's old enough


Aubrey said...

The beginning of the end...that's hilarious. Congrats, you two!! And prayers for many more years together!

Anonymous said...