Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Kitchen Service

I have been participating in a Bible study at church based on a book called "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World." It is a great book....one that has truly opened my eyes to a lot of different ideas about Martha and Mary..whom I used to always view as completely wrong and completely right before.

One of the chapters is called "Kitchen Service". There is a lot of background needed to explain that title....and I won't even try in the interest of space and time.....but I will say that one of the points of the chapter is that our lives should be lived in such a way, that when people see us, they know WHO and WHOSE we are, because they see our Lord and his love in us.

This one thing struck me really hard. "It's easy to fall into the hypocrisy of talking one way and living another--or to get so involved withour religious activities that we neglect to reach out to those around us."The bolded part.....GUILTY!!!! A little over a year ago, the Lord brought several different things into my life all at once that got my attention on just this matter.....and I had to really step back and look at things...say NO to some things I was doing 'for Him' and focus only on what I was truly supposed to be doing.

A quote from Dwight L. Moody follows this in the chapter...."Of one hundred men, one will read the Bible; the ninety-nine will read the Christian." Now, isn't that telling?

And, another reminder from the story of Mary and Martha....when Jesus rebuked Martha, He wasn't rebuking her act, but her attitude......for allowing it to irritate, agitate and absorb her. And, I had to ask myself, how many times had I tried to give SO much, that my attitude became wrong? How many times was I doing the right thing, but it was not what God wanted me to do (I failed to seek Him before jumping in to help?)

So, going back to a previous chapter, I will close with these thoughts from author, Joanna Weaver. "I realized then, that while there are many things that need to be done, things I'm capable of doing and want to do, I am not always the one to do them. Even if I have a burden for a certain need or project, my interest or concern is not a surefire sign that I need to be in charge. God may only be calling me to pray that the right person will rise up to accomplish it. What's more, I may be stealing someone else's blessing when I assume I must do it all."

That's a lot to think about, isn't it? To say "NO" when something needs to be done? And I can do it? And I want to? And others expect me to? Hmmmmm.....


Pam said...

I've heard of this book, but I haven't gotten around to reading it. It is easy to become focused on service!

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...


It is well worth reading. It is one of the best ones I have read in a long time, especially if you take the time to do the study questions in the back. But, it is one of those you really need to read slowly and chew on for a while for it to take root.