Monday, September 14, 2009

Abigail's birthday trek--part one

Because of Bruce's surgery (and fearing that he might be in a great deal of pain), I did not want to do a typical party here at the house. So, we decided to do a different type of celebration to honor Abigail's tenth birthday. I chose TEN special 'tasks' for her to complete/experience during the day, many of those with friends. Each task had the theme of "ten" in it as you will soon see. In order to keep a LOT of factors in check (time, budget, dietary preferences, ability to transport everyone safely..), I only allowed Abigail to choose her two best friends to come along.

We met the girls at 9:30 a.m. and they put on their blind folds. We then took a short drive to Dollar Tree, but parked slightly away so they would not know where we were until after Abigail read the description aloud. This is what she read. "With just $2 each and TEN minutes to spare, what will each of you girls end up buying? Let's go into Dollar Tree and see!!" They were thrilled with their shopping spree. Each ended up with a stuffed animal and a pack of mechanical pencils.
before our shopping spree......

...and afterwards.....


Pam said...

That is a cute idea! I don't know how much my kids could find in 10 minutes. They like to take their time. : )

Anonymous said...

I canNOT belive Jam named her stuffed pup, "Mr. Barky-Von Snauzer". . . . Actually, i CAN belive it!!!:)
