Friday, March 27, 2009

A new total.....

My new total weight loss is 31.6 pounds!!!! Yeah!! I forgot to weigh in earlier, and decided this morning that it was time. It was a nice little surprise to see the numbers dropping. I was able to buy some jeans in a smaller size last week and hopefully that will continue to happen. My original goal was to lose about 60 pounds. Now, based on my current size and how I look and feel, I am thinking that even 50 may be enough. But, I will just keep on doing the right things (eating right, moving more, making good choices...) and we'll see what happens to the scale. My body knows where it needs to be and if I treat it right, it will settle in more or less....I think. So, I am more than half way to my goal.....yeah!!!!!!!! Maybe I will get brave and post a before and after day....


Michelle said...

Wow! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could post a current picture.......

Christy said...

I'm so proud of you! I am also impressed with your consistency, something which I sorely lack. Way to go!

A Squared said...

Yes!, way to go! I am very, very, very H-A-P-P-Y FOR YOU! And thank you for being the best teacher ever!

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

Thanks girls! I really believe that GOD is the key difference this time (vs. the other times when I have tried and quit after a few weeks/months). I would start off making Him a part of the plan, but this time, I have asked Him to remain a part of it and I ask for His help often. Also, I think setting smaller goals and then reaching those has helped me mentally stay on track.

Christy..consistency is usually something I don't have a problem with...except when it comes to eating/health/weight loss issues. Go figure????

And, are sweet:) You are a GREAT student:)

Anonymous said...

I am glad for you. That is a big achievment. I have gotton back into 4 pairs of jeans that were too small for me ,so I feel good.