Thursday, September 11, 2008


It is hard to believe that seven years have passed since that fateful day in 2001. I'll never was one day before Abigail's second birthday and I was home alone. Bruce was out of the country (in New Brunswick) for business and I was here at home, just taking care of a little one.

Usually we had on Elmo or a similar show, but that morning, we had not even turned on the television. Then the phone rings....a friend called to ask if I knew what was happening. I turned on the tv and watched in horror....not even truly understanding what I was seeing.

I continued watching throughout the day and as even new bit of information came to light, I tried to understand what was going on.

After a time I heard from Bruce. He and some co-workers from various parts of the US were wanting to get home. The borders opened and closed multiple times in that first day or so, but thankfully one person had the wisdom to get a rental car and they managed to get back into the US. They drove close to 30 hours straight to get here....making stops in various places to drop off co-workers. I have never been so happy to have Bruce return home from a trip.

Needless to say, Abigail's second birthday party was a bit different. A celebration of her life, but also a time to be grateful for our family and friends being together, as so many families were torn apart by this tragedy. We celebrated her birthday the Saturday after 9-11 so thankfully Daddy was able to be here for the party too:) Had he flown, I am sure he would not have made it since air traffic was halted for so long.

I am proud to live in a country such as we do, and while it is not perfect, it is a great place to live. 9-11 had a lot of effects....many of them were positive in my even from tragedy came some good. God has a way of bringing good out of the bad if we let Him, doesn't he?

1 comment:

Christy said...

I will never forget that day, either. Haley was in kindergarten at WHBC. Dwight was on duty at the fire station (of course). I had Dawson (just a baby then - sigh) at home with me. I couldn't take my eyes off the TV. Last night I watched several shows of video of it. I wonder if that was a good idea. I feel pretty raw again this morning. What really got to me was the erry chirping sound of all the firefighters sensory alarms going off! It was surreal and I wasn't even there in person. Just the thought of all those firemen going IN when everyone else was going OUT sobers me. But that's what they do. Dwight would've been one of the first ones. Thank God, THANK GOD, we don't live there and I didn't have to worry about my husband like so many others did. Of course, I did worry somewhat since there was uncertainty of if the attacks were over. Living in the rocket city made me nervous.