Friday, August 15, 2008

biggest loser....

Some of you may know that I started a challenge about 6 weeks ago...a biggest loser challenge. I have done this thru an online group of scrapbookers. I think about 60 ladies participated this summer. We were divided into random teams and the worked on our own and together to support each other and to develop healthier lifestyles.

During this six weeks, I have stayed consistent in my walking (usually a 50-60 minute walk each day, five days a week). Often a girl or two from my neighborhood will join in for all (or sometimes just part) of a walk. That is always nice...having a person to talk to is fun...and the time goes fast. But, even if no one else joins in, I enjoy my walk and use that time as a special prayer time and a 'clear my head and organize my day' time too.

I have also tried to increase my activity level by adding a few other things like swimming and bowling. Even if I just paddled around the pool and used my noodle and treaded water, I got a little extra activity. Then, I also tried to add little things like not using an elevator or parking farther away at stores so I'd have to walk a little farther.

Also, during the six weeks, I have been more committed to making wise eating choices. This has been my downfall in the past, but I have done much better. has been very helpful. I just enter my food, activity, water intake....and it keeps up with my overall calorie, fat, carb, vitamin... intake for the day. I use their menus some, but I also make up my own. But when I look at the report for the day and see that I have certain food groups lacking, that helps me make a wiser choice for my next snack/meal.

Well, I STILL have a long way to go, but I am proud to report that over the six week challenge, I have lost 11.4 pounds. My goal had been an 8-10 pound loss, so I am pleased with this.

I am to stay motivated for the LONG haul....and it will be a long one!!


Michelle said...

Congrats! Keep up the good work.

Christy said...

Way to go, that's awesome!

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

Thanks ladies!