Monday, August 18, 2008

sick baby.....

Okay, I know Abigail is not a "baby" but she will always be my baby, even when she's thirty years old.

Yesterday Abigail woke up feeling bad....sore throat, ears hurting, lots of congestion, sneezing... She's had a few extra allergy issues this week and I figured it just caught up with her. Plus, she usually feels better once she eats, drinks, moves....a bit. Well, she seemed to still be feeling rough, so we got some other over the counter meds and tried those as well.

This morning she said she woke up at 1:28 a.m. and never went back to sleep. I sorta doubt the "never" going back to sleep part:) but she did not rest well for sure. So, we went in to see the doctor today.

When we arrived we found she is running a low grade fever in addition to other symptoms. He did not think the sore throat was strep. He diagnosed her with a sinus infection/sinusitis. Hopefully the new allergy medicine will help with long term control and the runny nose part and the antibiotic will help her get over the worst of the other symptoms. He did say if the sore throat was unrelated to allergies/drainage (and if it were truly strep, though he doubted it), the antibiotic would take care of that either way.

In these photos, we are headed to the pharmacy and then she is on her "sick bed" at home, using the remote to find a favorite show. By the way, I will have to say I am very proud of her. With a VERY good attitude, she completed enough school work before we left to count this as a school day. We have a little more to do....we will do her Bible and maybe even finish her reading today...then just double up on the math she missed if we don't get to that today.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I'm sorry to hear Abigail is sick. I guess it's that time again now that all the kids are back in classes, etc.