The diagnosis was "hot spot". This looks pretty bad...I know, but they shaved the area where she was scratching and applied medicine. Evidentally, labs get these hot spots pretty frequently and they will scratch to try to relieve the itching (I guess it's like a heat rash for us....prickly and itchy.) They also happen suddenly from what I was told. So, I will just keep her doctored up and try to keep her indoors a little more during the day and hopefully we can avoid any more problems.
By the way, she is loving the staying inside part. She and Allie usually stay outside most of the day and come in at night to sleep. OH, and she has lost a pound...she's only 101 pounds now!!!!!
Oh, my. I guess it looks a lot worse than it is. I hope it heals quickly for her. I bet she IS loving the staying inside part! Hopefully she is also getting some relief from all that itching as well.
Poor thing. At least she has great owners who take such good care of her.
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