Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's green--before and after

Bruce and Abigail both suggested that the walls might look better with the same color above and below the chair rail. So, I decided to use a couple of hours this morning to get the kitchen up to speed.

Actually, I was reminded of the last time I painted below the chair rail in the kitchen. It was October 4, 1999. I don't usually remember the dates I paint my walls, but this date was special. I was painting..just finishing up actually, when I got a phone call from Bruce. He was very serious something bad had happened. He said we needed to talk and we could only do that face to face so he was on his way home. So, I hung up the phone, imagined the worst and finished cleaning up the painting supplies and myself. Then, I started praying that no matter what the news, God will give me the grace to handle it well.

Well, it seemed like an hour before got home (and actually it probably was close to that). I was getting anxious...but this was a 'pre cell phone' era for us, so I could not see where he was along his trip home. That turned out to be a good thing.

When he walked in, he had a large peace lily topped with a balloon that said "It's a Girl." I screamed and cried and laughed and repeated the sequence several times. Then, he told me the details that had been passed along to him by Lea Anne, our social worker. We were getting a child.... a precious baby girl (which I secretly preferred to have a girl first).....after all those years of trying and waiting and praying and fasting and crying and many other things. God decided the right child had been born at the right time and that she needed to join our family.

So, when Abigail came home to us on October 15, 1999...the kitchen walls below the chair rail were painted and fresh.

So far, July 23, 2008 has not been noteworthy like the last time I painted those walls. But, the day is still young......

1 comment:

Christy said...

What a sweet, precious memory to have! Oh, and the walls look good. ;)